
International Association Against Psychiatric Assault

c/o Lawyer/Rechtsanwalt André Raeber, Hinterbergstrasse 24, 6312 Steinhausen, Schweiz/Switzerland

The association is a Human Rights organization that opposes psychiatric coercion and aims to abolish psychiatric coercive measures altogether, promoting the fundamental rights of self-determination, liberty, and human dignity.


International Association Against
Psychiatric Assault

Spechtweg 1, 4125
Riehen, Switzerland



Protest WPA- Dresden June 2007
are putting the banner in place.
(In the background is the famous Dresden cigarette
factory Yanidze)

Psychiatric Association Congress

Coercive Psychiatry
– 8th June 2007

coverage – List of contents:

Gert PostelFor three days (and nights) the second most important topic besides the G8 summit in
the German media – the main newspapers and state TV-channels – was our
humorous enterprise of promoting the nomination for the Nobel medicine
Prize of Mr. Gert Postel, a postman who decided one day to be a false
psychiatrist, for his experimental proof that there is no such thing as
“mental illness”. Since we invited Mr. Postel to lecture about his
experience in the City Hall in Dresden, the German media who was
attracted to this event covered at the same time our protest against
this congress, delegating the World Congress itself to a background
role of our activities!…

Gert Postel impersonated a psychiatrist, applied for work and
was accepted, later even promoted to head psychiatrist, and in the
meantime invented “mental illnesses” which were accepted by the other
psychiatrists. He was discovered – by chance – got sentenced to prison
and now has the time of his life selling his book relating his
adventure and being very popular in Germany. So we invited Gert Postel
to be part of our protest against the World Congress. Additionally, by
promoting his nomination for a Nobel Medicine Prize, we wanted to
emphasize the truth which he uncovered by his lie: that there is no
such thing as “mental illness”, rather only an empty and mystifying use
of jargon.

The point about Gert Postel is that psychiatrists and their
“mental health consumers” present themselves as caring for the welfare
of the patients, and here the patients are running a campaign to
nominate an imposter for a Nobel Medicine Prize. The other point is
that the Gert Postel experiment is a completing counterpoint of the famous
Rosenhahn experiment
.(This is a link to the full text which
Stanford University refused to publish!) In this experiment, students
pretended to be mental patients and hospitalized themselves and were
diagnosed accordingly. Persistant rumor claimed that Foucault declared
this experiment worthy of a Nobel Prize for Humor in Science. Of
course, fake patients we can have by the dozen, the cleverness of the
Postel experiment is the proof that also on the other side, you don’t
need to be a psychiatrist – i.e. a person who studied medicine – to
churn out diagnoses. That means that both sides are fake. We just
needed to wait until a person would show up in the role of psychiatry
and publicly admit that he is a fake.

Last month, in a response to our outcry against the violation
of human rights, the media obtained from the organizer of the WPA
congress, Thomas Kallert, a public statement that “Naturally, 
coercive measures in psychiatry are justified.”
since we knew that
several of our colleagues are going to participate in this congress, we
felt it is important to notify them in advance about this official
statement of the organizer. Apparently this did not deter them. While
we put our protest bannerProtest gegen WPA- Dresden Juni 2007 outside the congress hall, David Oaks from
the North American organization “Mindfreedom” came out of it to us
shouting why it is important to collaborate with the psychiatrists. On
the right you can see him trying to convince Alice… One reason for
his shouting was soon discovered: he was recording himself in order to
broadcast “Live from Dresden” to his internet radio. I figure out that
the shouting meant to prove to his intended listeners that he is also
protesting… Another reason was discovered after seeing the SCI website:
photographic documentation of the collaboration between, from left:
Prof. Juan Mezzich (President of the World Psychiatric Association),
“our” David Oaks and Judy Chamberlin, Prof. Thomas Kallert
(Torture-Congress Organizer) and last but not least: Peter Lehmann
(from the European Network of Users and Survivors). We feel that this picture below
deserves a special title so we are announcing here a world-wide contest, with 3 prizes of up to
50€, to find the appropriate title. See the results

WPA - SCI - BPE MeetingThe German media constantly confronted the
psychiatrist Kallert, who organized this evil WPA congress, with Gert
Postel’s claim that there is no such thing as mental illness and
anybody, even a postman, can  be a psychiatrist. Kallert had no
other reply than to say: “Gert Postel was a convicted imposter.”
To the best of  my knowledge, this is the first time anywhere in
the world that the mainstream media ever put this question to a
psychiatrist, and one that organized a world psychiatric congress at
that. So it is a record of some kind.

And in an even more bizarre reaction to our action, the
German consumer association, which unshamingly participated in the
torturer’s congress, issued a statement to the media, complaining that
our action would be “a slap
in the face of those with psychological health problems. The allegation
that there is no mental illness would degrade them to simulators”
proving that without this rhetoric of “illness” they cannot be truly
sick! After a more careful examination on the internet of this press
notice, it turned out that it was composed by an organization of
psychiatrists and social workers at the direct request of the organizer.
When we settled in front of the congress center, we noticed the low
attendance of this event.
Our group separated into three, one holding the big banner, one
occupyingProtest against WPA- Dresden June 2007 the tent, on the other side
of the road, with the slogan “Forced treatment is torture! Here in this
center it is being perfected.” The third distributed flyers.

We were referred
to in the media as “Postel fans” – see below.
You must admit this term is a much nicer one than to be described as a
mental health consumer.

Article in MorgenPost

In the afternoon we folded the banner and the tentProtest again WPA

and we walked through the streets of the center of Dresden with our
posters until we reached the Dresden City Hall.Protest gegen WPA-Kongress in Dresden - Juni 2007
Protest gegen WPA-Kongress in Dresden - Juni 2007


Protest gegen WPA-Kongress in Dresden - Juni 2007The crown of the media coverage of our Postel
enterprise was the state TV-channel MDR news, broadcasted at prime
time. There you can even notice inside the empty halls of the WPA
congress the lonely  stand of the courageous “critics”, who braved
themselves to enter into this lion’s den of psychiatrists to promote
whatever … You can also compare the flocking of the city folks
(approx. 400) to the lecture of the false psychiatrist Gert Postel with
the low attendance to the WPA congress. The TV interviewed some of them
about their reason for attending his readinig. (see the TV report here: 
Gert Postel

After the
reading, several of the audience remained to discuss with Gert Postel

Gert Postel

The lesson all of us activists around the world can learn, is
that  with humour and inventiveness you can hijack a very well
financed event which is accepted by international and national bodies.
Also that we can advocate our stand without demeaning ourselves by
joining in with self-proclaimed psychiatric torturers.
Since only the Postel experiment forced psychiatrists to answer the
media questions about forced treatment being justified. It is important
to support this nomination of him for the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
Please fill out this form
and send it. 
For those of you who can read Hebrew, you can read and see pictures in
our association blog here.

Hagai Aviel
Dresdner Neueste

24.5. – report on page
4: “Postel moves into the City Hall”


24.5. – report
on page

Asked for his statement by
the above newspaper, the organizer and speaker of the WPA Congress,
Prof. Kallert, let the cat out of the bag by making the following

coercive measures in psychiatry are justified.”

Thus Professor
Kallert himself unmasked the fact that the invitation of “critics” of
coercive treatment was only a cunning evasive maneuver. The actual goal
of the congress however was never to place this practice of coercion
and violence in psychiatry in question but instead to come to an
agreement on an international level on how the coercive methods can be
perfected and standardized. The is exactly the goal which we strongly
criticize and we therefore demand the strict termination of all
psychiatric coercion – be it “coercive treatment”, “compulsory
custodian-ship” or “only” involuntary labeling with so-called
psychiatric “diagnoses”.

We are of the opinion
that psychiatric coercive treatment is a despicable form of torture or
comes close to being torture.  According to
the Anti-Torture Convention of the United Nations, coercive psychiatric
treatment fulfills all criteria for the definition of torture:

  1. Humans are subjected
    to great physical and mental harm by being locked up or the compulsory
    mechanism of a guardianship (so-called “support”), by the forced
    administering of harmful drugs (psychopharmacological drugs),
    electroshocking (so-called ECT), binding (so-called
    “four-point-restraint”), by slandering as allegedly “mentally ill”, by
    the loss of dignity and one’s self-determination and lasting social and
    physical consequences of coercive treatment.
  2. It is not only a
    matter of persons just being tormented by others, it happens on the
    basis of national laws such as the “PsychKG” (German mental health
    laws) and custodianship law and is also exercised by “persons with
    official status” e.g. the social psychiatric service.
  3. Psychiatric coercive
    treatment fulfills the criteria of the UN definition by torture in as
    much as humans are intimidated and/or forced into a confession, with
    the goal of  “illness insight” so that the
    victim remains permanently under the control and thereby becoming a
    “customer” of psychiatry in order to standardize people’s behavior and
    thoughts. Psychiatry is thereby an instrument of power and social
    control. (Here you can read a detailed account of the direct proximity
    of coercive psychiatry and torture: “Coercive psychiatry, a torture

coercive treatment cannot be justified as medical or therapeutic
treatment, because informed consent is necessary for it. The
self-determination over one’s own body is an inviolable human right.
The only purpose of so-called psychiatric “diagnoses” is to divide
adults into two categories: “humans” and the “mentally ill” and to rob
the latter of their human rights, in order – under the pretext of the
medical treatment – to make them submissive.


has proven how the medical libel of the psychiatric diagnosis
“Schizophrenia” can lead to criminal acts: the psychiatrist Eugen
Bleuler, inventor of this term, committed the typically Nazi crime of
coerced sterilizations, based on this

demonstrated the complete void of contents of psychiatric jargon better
than Gert Postel. The postman Gert Postel successfully impersonated a
psychiatrist and was promoted to the position of head physician of a
Saxonian psychiatric institute. As a result of this undercover
“adventure” he knows the power apparatus of coercive psychiatry from
the inside. So he can report from the inside of a power which is based
only on the mystification of a non-existent knowledge and the
gullibilty of its subjects. We therefore call for the nomination of
Gert Postel for the Nobel Prize for Medicine:

It is time to

In the long
ongoing discussion on the responsibility of science regarding crimes
against humanity, one institution was omitted:
The Nobel Prize.

We, the signatories, call for remembrance of the immoral granting of
the Nobel Prize for lobotomy to Antonio Egas Moniz in 1949. Lobotomy,
especially being applied alongside force and violence in psychiatry,
was an obvious crime against humanity. Having it rewarded with the
Nobel Prize gave this cruelty the aura of good medical practice and
promoted its use.

As the Nobel Prize cannot be recalled, we appeal to the Nobel Prize
Committee and Assembly as well as to the universities which are
entitled to create a nomination of the candidates for the Nobel Prize,
to apologize for this by a deed of its own: namely by rewarding Gert
Postel, a successful impostor of a senior doctor of psychiatry, with a
Nobel Prize in Medicine. Since 1981 he has thrice proved the mere lie
of any psychiatric knowledge and thus denounced it as an act against
humanity. He proved with his existential experiment that within science
there is a moral voice which is indeed necessary to limit the
possibilities of science-based techniques and medical practice.

This aspect of Gert Postel’s work has to be rewarded, despite all
controversy as to whether or not he used criminal methods
in falsifying a non-existant doctor’s license in psychiatry and
therefore diametrically opposing a principal dogma of the medical

Gert Postel accomplished the famous David L. Rosenhan experiment and
proved that it could be repeated at any time just as well on the
doctors’ side and therefore gives empirical evidence that there is no
such thing as „mental illness“.

of the General Assembly of the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft
Psychiatrie-Erfahrener e.V. on 15.5.2007
Resolution of the General Assembly of the International
Against Psychiatric Assault on 24.4.2007
Resolution of the Plenum
of the Werner-Fuss-Zentrum on 23.5.2007
Resolution of the Board of the Landesverband
Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. and  Irren-Offensive e.V.

With the suggestion to
nominate Gert Postel for the Nobel Prize for Medicine and the
justification thereof, we were able to publicly substantiate our
demands and opinions and also provide the media with a sensational
press release, which on the one hand seemed preposterous, but on the
other hand seriously put salt on the wound of the Nobel Prize. This
combination led to a wave of mainstream media coverage.
1 June on page 4 there was a report by the:

Leipzig. The idea seems absurd
and hopeless, but is meant in earnest: Imposter Gert Postel should get
the Nobel Prize for Medicine. The Federal Association of Psychiatric
Survivors (
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Psychiatrie-Erfahrener)
in cooperation with other associations has started a campaign towards
the goal of convincing the Nobel Prize Committee to nominate this

The trained postman repeatedly gained the position of doctor with the
use of false references and in the 90ties for two and a half years he
was employed as Head Physician and supposed psychiatrist in the
Zschadraß Hospital. In the Leipzig
courts that brought him a four-year prison sentence. Now the initiators
of the campaign now contend that Postel “has proved that there is no
such thing as psychiatric knowledge”. Furthermore, they regard his
actions as empirical evidence of the non-existance of mental illness.

The 48-year-old is himself pattron of the “Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft
Psychiatrie- Erfahrener”

The campaign is supported, among others, by an international
association against psychiatric abuse and by the Irren-Offensive e. V.
Postel himself reacted gladly to the request by this newspaper and in
his usual manner raised the stakes even higher: “The next step would be
for the Medical Faculty of the University of Leipzig to award me with
an honorary Doctor’s title.” A.G.

2nd June on page
2 the following
article appeared in the

By the way…

“psychiatry survivors” want the
Prize for Medicine
for GertPostel.

GertPostel is well known in
the Federal Republic: the former
postman, who
today lives in
Marburg, “hoaxed” his way up to
the position of Head Physician of a psychiatric hospital. He was later
condemned for his imposture and sat time for this. In the meantime as
an author he is making a tour of the republic. Next Wednesday Postel
discusses  “The power
of psychiatry” in the Dresden
City Hall  – as a counter-program to the Dresdner “World Congress
Psychiatry”. The Federal Association of Psychiatric Survivors, which
wants to initiate a campaign with the aim of supporting the nomination
of Postel for the Nobel Prize for Medicine, was also
invited. Postel knows “the
power apparatus of coercive psychiatry from the inside”.
then the first
of three medial
5th June on page 8 of


Gert Postel,
48 year-old imposter, is to
receive the Nobel Prize for
Medicine. That at least is the opinion of the Federal Association of
Psychiatric Survivors (“BPE”),
which started an appropriate campaign together with other associations.
two years ago the “BPE”
determined in a resolution that Postel
had proved “with his existential experiments several times the fact
there is no psychiatric knowledge, but is rather only a deception,
based on a
fraudulent feigning of scientific by use of jargon”. With
“existential experiments” the association describes how the postman
with falsified certifications procured employment as a physician and in
nineties was for two years a “Head Physician” and
“psychiatrist” in Saxonian Zschardrass.
For this the Leipziger regional
court condemned Gert Postel
to four years detention.

5th June, page 5:

the 2nd bomb-shell: on 6.6. the largest daily newspaper in Saxony
carried a
lengthy report right on the front page!:

Imposter as hero

Gert Postel

false doctor Gert Postel
appears today in Dresden at the protest agains the Psychiatry Congress.

By Heinrich

This would be the
crowning event of one of
the most curious careers in the whole country. A trained postman who
made a career as a false doctor and convicted imposter is to receive
the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
That at least is the demand of the Federal Association of Psychiatric
Survivors (Bundesarbeits­gemeinschaft
According to them, Gert Postel had apparently proved that there is no
such thing as psychiatric knowledge and that psychiatry is directed
against humanity.

In fact, in the 90’s
with false references
Postel hoaxed his way into the position of Head Physician at the Mental
Clinic in Zschadraß near Leipzig and nearly even became Head
Physician of the psychiatric hospital in Arnsdorf near Dresden. His
imposter escapades made for quite some embarrassment.

The story of the
Nobel Prize is a crazy
idea, which certainly won’t be followed up. However, Postel is honoured
once again. Today he has his big appearance in Dresden – as patron of
the anti-psychiatry movement. He is to lead the protest of the
“psychiatric survivors” against the international congress organized by
Prof. Thomas Kallert from Dresden. Several hundred doctors plan to
discuss coercive treatment there. Kallert is of the opinion that
coercive measures are certainly justified, however for the protesters
it is nothing but torture.

This was a project
for Postel, who in
the meantime had sat out a jail sentence, wrote a book called “Playing
Doctor” (“Doktorspiele”) and is currently writing a second one. The
48-year-old, who now lives in Marburg, isn’t at all regretful but
rather proud of his professional career. He did a “society critical
thing” and boasts at having held up a mirror to psychiatry.

Today in Dresden he
will read from his
book and pronounce “critical comments” on the congress of the “World
Psychiatric Association”. “The Power of Psychiatry” is the name of the
event, for which the council
hall is being provided at the City Hall at 19h.

In addition to this,
demonstrations will be held in the next few days in the vicinity of the
Congress Center.

From the
viewpoint of the “Psychiatric
Suvivors”, Gert Postel “provided empirical evidence that there is no
such thing as mental illness”. In their eyes, the imposter is a hero
who now even has his own fan club in the internet. In Dresden his fans
will be able to pay tribute to him personally.

On 7.6. the other large
tabloid, the


printed on page 9 a good
article about the event at the City Hall including
a photo of our protest in front of the ICC
and thereby documented
it for a large segment of the public:
on 7.6.
page 8:

The third bomb-shell and
in a sense the crowning event of reports in the media was a video
report during the prime viewing time:

News in MDR
See video and read transcript here:

A fantastic report showing a full house in
the City Hall in sharp contrast to the almost  empty WPA Congress
and with which absurd jargon one can become a Head Psychiatric
Physician is documented in this news report of a state television
broadcaster. It is Prof. Kallert who is to be thanked for the prompt
confirmation of this fact in the MDR interview. He gives brilliantly
precise information about his knowledge.

8.6.07 comes a new report in:


here some more
newsworthy reports:

  • Radio ColoRadio Dresden:
    Interview with René Talbot
    an announcement of the counter-event at the City Hall
  • Radio Dreyeckland Freiburg
    on the 1.6. with René Talbot
    an announcement of the counter-event at the City Hall
    and on the 13.6. a report from the lecture of Gert Postel

  • Sachsen Radio:
    Interview with Gert Postel and
    an announcement of the counter-event at the City Hall
  • Radio Corax Halle:
    Interview with René Talbot on the unfolding of the events
  • Dissidentenfunk:

    on 14.6. with a comprehensive detailing of the event

  • Radio Unerhört

    Interview with Alice Halmi on the unfolding of the events

days against the World Psychiatric Association on
“coercive treatment”.


The WPA congress – a deplorable disaster  

From 6 – 8 June 2007 in Dresden Germany a World Congress
of Psychiatry is to take place on the subject of coercive treatment.
congress is evil, since it has as its premise torture-like coercion and
as the basis of psychiatry. This was confirmed by the organizer and
speaker of
the congress, Professor Thomas Kallert, on 24.5. in two large daily
the LVZ and the DNN:


coercive measures in psychiatry are


Professor Kallert himself unmasked the fact that the
invitation of “critics” of coercive treatment was only a cunning
evasive maneuver. The actual goal of the congress however was never to
this practice of coercion and violence in psychiatry in question but
instead to
come to an agreement on an international level on how the coercive
methods can
be perfected and standardized. The is exactly the goal which we
criticize and we therefore demand the strict termination of all
coercion – be it “coercive treatment”, “compulsory
custodian-ship” or “only” involuntary labeling with so-called
psychiatric “diagnoses”. 

We are of the
opinion that psychiatric coercive treatment
is a despicable form of torture or comes close to being torture.  According to
the Anti-Torture Convention of
the United Nations, coercive psychiatric treatment fulfills all
criteria for
the definition of torture:

1. Humans are subjected
to great physical and mental harm
by being locked up or the compulsory mechanism of a guardianship
“support”), by the forced administering of harmful drugs
(psychopharmacological drugs), electroshocking (so-called ECT), binding
(so-called “four-point-restraint”), by slandering as allegedly
“mentally ill”, by the loss of dignity and one’s self-determination
and lasting social and physical consequences of coercive treatment. 

2. It is not only a
matter of persons just being
tormented by others, it happens on the basis of national laws such as
“PsychKG” (German mental health laws) and custodianship law and is
also exercised by “persons with official status” e.g. the social
psychiatric service.  

3. Psychiatric
coercive treatment fulfills the criteria
of the UN definition by torture in as much as humans are intimidated
forced into a confession, with the goal of  “illness
insight” so that the victim remains permanently
the control and thereby becoming a “customer” of psychiatry in order
to standardize people’s behavior and thoughts. Psychiatry is thereby an
instrument of power and social control. (Here you can read a detailed
of the direct proximity of coercive psychiatry and torture: “Coercive
psychiatry, a torture system”:                

coercive treatment cannot be justified as medical or therapeutic
because informed consent is necessary for it. The self-determination
over one’s
own body is an inviolable human right. The only purpose of so-called
psychiatric “diagnoses” is to divide adults into two categories:
“humans” and the “mentally ill” and to rob the latter of
their human rights, in order – under the pretext of the medical
treatment – to
make them submissive.  


History has
proven how the medical libel of the
psychiatric diagnosis “Schizophrenia” can lead to criminal acts: the
psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler, inventor of this term, committed the
typically Nazi
crime of coerced sterilizations, based on this diagnosis.


demonstrated the complete void of contents of
psychiatric jargon better than Gert Postel. The postman Gert Postel
successfully impersonated a psychiatrist and was promoted to the
position of
head physician of a Saxonian psychiatric institute. As a result of this
undercover “adventure” he knows the power apparatus of coercive
psychiatry from the inside. So he can report from the inside of a power
is based only on the mystification of a non-existent knowledge and the
gullibilty of its subjects. We therefore call for the nomination of
Gert Postel
for the Nobel Prize for Medicine.     

(You too can send
your own demand to the Nobel Committee using the enclosed specimen letter.)


we have pleasantly observed that the number
of participants of the congress falls well, well below the expectations
of the
organizers. We can thereby check off this congress as a further failed
to save this violent type of system. This is also because in 2005 on a
level not only did the higher regional court of Celle establish that
the legal
basis for coercive treatment in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)
missing, but by a special form of the representation agreement in the
FRG we
have a legal loop-hole, allowing the exclusion of compulsory
and coercive treatment for those who have signed such a representation
agreement. Thus for those protected in such a way, these criminal
become what they really are: the criminal offence of bodily injury and
deprivation of liberty. 

We invite you
to join our protest:

– on Wednesday,
6 June, starting at 8:30h  in front of the
Congress Center on the
sidewalk of Devrienstrasse. Starting at 16h we will proceed in a
to the square in front of the “Kulturpalast” (intermediate
demonstration) and later to the Town Hall (Rathaus) square with a
speech at ca. 17:30h.      

Thursday, 7
June,  we again start at 8:30h in front
of the Congress Center on the sidewalk of Devrienstrasse. Additionally
will be a further protest demonstration from 17h at the

on  Wednesday, beginning 19h
in the Dresden City
Hall (“Dresdner Rathaus, Ratsaal”) you can visit the presentation
“The Power of Psychiatry”: Gert Postel in a discussion with the
public will deliver a critical comment there on the World Congress of
Psychiatry and at the beginning will read from his (German) book
(“Playing Doctor”). This event takes place in co-operation with WIR
e.V. Dresden. (Entrance: 2 Euro, free entrance for those with
pension, ALG2 or basic social support)

– to support  the
nomination of Gert Postel for the Nobel Prize for Medicine and to send
enlosed specimen letter with your own address as sender to the Nobel

to inform
yourself about our  psychiatry-critical
film series in the filmtheater “Metropolis”, address: Am Brauhaus 8
(entrance free – donations requested)


Tuesday, 5 June:     
“the Foucault Tribunal”  + 
22h: “Interview with Gert Postel” and
“Michel Foucault, Philosopher”

Thursday, 7 June:     20h:
“For your own good” + 22h: “Frances”     

Friday, 8 June:       20h:
“Selection and Extermination” and “Unheimliches
Wiedersehen” + 22h “Healing by Killing”

Association Against Psychiatric Assault
(IAAPA),   Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft
Psychiatrie-Erfahrener e.V.sticker
(die-BPE),  Irren-Offensive
e.V. and   Landesverband
Psychiatrie-Erfahrener Berlin-Brandenburg the Werner-Fuss-Zentrum, Greifswalder
Str. 4, 10405


information on psychiatry critique in


in English:

Press statment:

Psychiatrie-Erfahrener e.V.

International Association Against
Psychiatric Assault


Psychiatrie-Erfahrener Berlin-Brandenburg e.V

We are pleased to
announce that the
Federal Association of Psychiatric Survivors (die-BPE) has initiated a
together with cooperating organizations advocating the nomination of Gert Postel for the Nobel Prize
for Medicine.

In addition to the
information about
the protest against the World Congress of Psychiatry in
Dresden, announced in
the meantime, we are glad to inform you about this campaign, the
motivation for
it and the support it has on an international level.

It should be noted that
the organizer
of the World Psychiatric Association Congress,
Prof. Kallert, now also publicly
confirmed that at this congress torture, coercion and violence in
psychiatry will
not be discussed, but rather only be perfected. Quotation of Prof. Kallert on 24.5. in the LVZ and
the DNN daily newspapers:
“Naturally, coercive measures
in psychiatry are justified.”

We are pleased that at least our
desire for a financial fiasko of
this congress has been fulfilled: According to our recent research, not
even 300
visitors will be attending this despicable meeting instead of the
expected 1500
visitors. Thus the congress emerges not only contentwise, but also
as a deplorable disaster.

Deutsche Erklärung
von die-BPE

The torturers are worried
(Resolution Point # 1 of the G.A. of May 22,

From 6th-8th June, 2007 in Dresden Germany a
World Congress of Psychiatry is to take place on the subject of
coercive treatment.

We are of the opinion that psychiatric coercive
treatment is a despicable form of torture.

request the organizers to call the congress off. Participants who have
already booked their journey and overnight accomodation could instead
enjoy the touristic attractions of Dresden.
The congress is evil, since it has as its premise torture-like coercion
and force as the basis of psychiatry. It is precisely this premise
which we dispute. For these acts of violence there cannot be an
apology, even when it is alleged to be “medical” treatment, because in
this case “informed consent” as an inviolable human right applies.
The direct proximity of psychiatric coercive treatment and torture
is thus evident [1].

ostensible “diagnosis” in psychiatric jargon is the basis of this
psychiatric violence masked as medicine in the form of incarceration
and coercive treatment. We are of the opinion that this is slander, in
particular with such words such as “schizophrenia”, the invention of an
unscrupulous Eugen Bleuler, who is known for the fact that he serially
committed a typical Nazi crime: coerced sterilizations. These coerced
sterilizations were the prelude for the singularity of the German
physician crimes: systematic mass murder in the gas chamber, which was
the blueprint for the murder of the European Jews, Sinti, Roma and

demonstrated the complete void of contents of psychiatric jargon better
than Gert
. Although he was only trained as the postman, Gert Postel
was promoted to the position of head physician of a Saxonian
psychiatric institution. As a result of his undercover investigations
he knows the power apparatus of coercive psychiatry from the inside. So
he can report from the inside of a power which is based only on the
mystification of a non-existent knowledge and the gullibilty of its
subjects. Therefore we are very pleased that we could win him for an
event on 6th June at 19h in the Dresden City Hall, in which he ironizes
the structures of their power preservation.

support this event and protest outside of the congress center.

any compliance with torturers!

[1] : Coercive psychiatry, a
torture system:


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